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GCP audit and inspection experiences during the conduct of COVID-19 clinical studies

Friday, 18. June 2021, 13:30 - 15:00

De DARQA-GCP commissie nodigt je uit voor deelname aan een webinar met als titel:


“GCP audit and inspection experiences during the conduct of COVID-19 clinical studies”


Although clinical studies in general were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, this was even more the case for the studies focusing on COVID-19 treatments.

How do you assure GCP compliance when you cannot monitor and audit on-site? Did the fast recruitment of a high number of patients impact the quality of the studies? Were new ideas of quality oversight implemented?

Furthermore, inspectorates had to act quickly and needed to adapt their normal working practice. Were they able to do that?

In this webinar two presenters working at pharmaceutical GCP quality departments will explore these subjects and share their experiences.


Mathieu Ouwerkerk, J&J Beerse
Anneke Wijenberg, Gilead


Deelname voor leden van DARQA is gratis. Aan dit evenement kunnen niet-DARQA-leden deelnemen na overschrijving van € 25,- op de bankrekening van DARQA NL 61 ABNA 0245 9984 46 o.v.v. Webinar Covid-19 audits en NAAM. De overschrijving van € 25,- moet uiterlijk woensdag 16 juni 2021 ontvangen zijn door DARQA.


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