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European QA Symposium 2021

Van Donderdag, 20. Mei 2021
Tot Vrijdag, 21. Mei 2021

European QA Symposium 2021

20-21 May 2021

European QA Symposium 2021
20-21 May 2021

The Future of Quality: What's keeping you awake at night?

Platinum Sponsor

Delegate Information

The European QA Symposium 2021, a collaboration between DARQA and RQA, is an innovative new event designed to meet the needs of QA professionals in the life sciences, medicines, medical devices, and food/feed sectors.

The programme has been developed to reflect regulatory changes, the changing nature of regulatory inspection and auditing, and the evolving structure and needs of industry. As such, the event will be delivered online, direct to the homes and workplaces of QA professionals.

The event will run over one and a half days, using multiple streams, varied session formats and leading experts to offer a varied programme to suit a European audience.

In addition, the event will offer opportunities for delegates to meet with exhibitors, network with industry peers, and chat with friends, colleagues and new acquaintances. With online social activity to cement those relationships.


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Silver Sponsor

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