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6th Scandinavian QA Conference

Van Donderdag, 08. Mei 2014
Tot Vrijdag, 09. Mei 2014

6th Scandinavian QA Conference

The Swedish, SARQA, and Danish, DKG, associations invite your members and others interested to participate in the 6th Scandinavian QA Conference. 

The conference will be held in Malmö / Sweden, on 8/9 May 2014.  You will find additional information about the programme, the venue, hotel availability and other information on the conference homepage:

Representatives from authorities have been invited and so far it has been confirmed that representatives from the Swedish and Danish authorities will come.

Note, that the conference language is English. Some of the programme details are still under development and some af the presentation titles are still missing. This information will be completed accordingly.

From SARQA and DKG

Locatie :  Malmö / Sweden

DARQA Nieuwsbrief

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